09 Jun

Pop Muzik by M is like the Seinfeld of 45s. There’s a whole of talking going on but ultimately it’s about nothing. Robin Scott, the man behind the M(oniker), had been in the music biz off & on for 10 years before striking gold with a song that he says ‘captures the last 25 years of music’. Kind of an electronic Life Is A Rock.

If ever there was an entry in the dictionary for New Wave Disco, this song would be listed first. Then again Linda Richmond might proffer, this song is neither pop nor muzik…discuss. Dated as it seems, Scott deliberately made it a disco tune to show the similarities between that and pop music because ‘Disco was bringing people together on an enormous scale’. Or maybe it’s because it was selling like a hotcake. At the end of the day no matter what the beat, where you listen or what you listen to, it’s all pop music.

Scott delivers his message with the least amount of notes you can possibly sing before someone considers it rapping. Reading the lyrics I get the feeling that Scott considers pop music to be fun but ultimately ridiculous and nonsensical. How else do you describe lyrics like these?:

Radio, video
Boogie with a suitcase
You’re living in a disco
Forget about the rat race

Let’s do the milkshake
You’re selling like a hot cake
Try some, buy some
Fee fi fo fum

Talk about pop muzik

(Shoobie doobie doo wop)
I wanna dedicate it
(Bop bop shoo wop)
Everybody made it
(Shoobie doobie doo wop)
Infiltrate it
(Bop bop shoo wop)
Activate it

New York, London, Paris, Munich
Everybody talk about pop muzik
Talk about pop muzik
Pop, pop, pop muzik

Sing it in the subway
Shuffle with a shoe shine
Mix me a Molotov
I’m on the hit line

Wanna be a gun slinger
Don’t be a rock singer
Eenie meenie miney moe
Which-a-way you wanna go

Like I said – a whole lot of nothing. And we proved his point by making the song #1.

Now you know what to do – hit it!

Fun fact: Scott gathered many musicians together on his 1st & 2nd album, who would meet & play together for the first time and eventually form Level 42.

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